Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Negative Press

The liberal news media is still up to its old antics.

Remember how Donald Rumsfeld & company used to complain about how the press was only reporting one side of the story in Iraq? How it concentrated only on the negative and ignored the positive, feel good stories that were so deserving of our attention? How we never heard nearly enough about all the schools and hospitals being rebuilt?

Well, they're still at it.

It seems the press just insists in wallowing in a pit of negativism. Consider the current litany of despair coming out of Iraq. We've lately heard about how the insurgency is stronger and more sophisticated than ever. How the top Egyptian diplomat in Iraq was kidnapped and executed. How the top Algerian diplomat and an associate were kidnapped. How Sunnis helping to draft the Iraqi constitution were gunned down in a Baghdad street. How, because of the war, the U.S. Army isn't going to meet its recruiting goals.

And enough, already, with stories about how more than two years after "mission accomplished" the electrical power in Baghdad is only on for a few hours per day. What do they expect--perfection? And do we really need to hear about Baghdad's municipal water service being knocked out for several days?

And what is it, exactly, with all these bomb stories? You'd think there was nothing else to report. All we hear is how scores of Iraqis are being killed and maimed on a daily basis. A week ago it was ten suicide bombings in a single day, followed by a bomber south of Baghdad that killed 70 and injured 156. Do we really need all this gratuitous repetition?

If the stinking liberal press wants to lose this war for us, that's its business. But I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it. I say it's way past time to report something positive. And if they can't find anything positive to report, then they should make something up.

Copyright (C) 2005 James Michael Brennan, All Rights Reserved

If you don't "get" this piece, apparently you are not alone. On September 17, I posted this clarification.


At Mon Sep 12, 11:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is some things about your negative press artical that i agree with and some that i disagree with. yes i believe that the press is taking a un-needed negative slant agaist the american military and its role in Iraq. I do believe there has been way to many stories about the death and destrution going on in the Middle East. However, I do not believe that the press should just make something up if they cannot find anyting more positive to report. there are many many positive things that are happening over there. i know, i hear it from people over there. the media if it even tried would be able to find somthing positive to report if only it just looked past the tip of its nose.

At Sat Sep 17, 09:09:00 AM, Blogger Mike Brennan said...

Please see my clarification of this post here.


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